Author: Frank Anderson

Last Updated: 22 September, 2022

Getting Started

To get started, click Create a new Xcode project. With App selected, click Next. Name your first app, and make sure your interface is SwiftUI. Click Next and then choose a place to store your project. Click Create and your project should open up.


When you first open Xcode you should see something like this:


Writing your first Swift code

Combining Views Using Stacks

How body works

Let’s clear our ContentView’s body property and start building the foundations of a user interface. We’re going to build one row of a List that we’ll create later. Your ContentView should look like this (and Xcode might have throw a ton of errors):

struct ContentView: View {
    var body: some View {

If Xcode is throwing errors, it’s because the body property needs to return a view, but at the moment it’s empty so it’s not returning anything. Let’s fix this.

We want to display more than one item at a time so we’ll need to use some structures which let us combine more than one view into a single view. The most common form of these are Stacks. SwiftUI has three types of Stack, the HStack, VStack, and ZStack. They let you layout content in Horizontal, Vertical, and Z-direction space.

Since we’re building a row for a list, let’s layout our content horizontally using a HStack. Add HStack {} to your body property.

Populating body

Now, let’s populate our layout with some content. We’re going to build a Wollaston’s Bakery catalogue, so let’s think through what this row might need. It’s going to represent an item they offer, and when we tap on the row it will show a detali view with more information about the item.

Helpful information to put on this list row might be an Image to show the type of item, some Text to show the name of the item, and on the far right edge we can show the price.

To our body property let’s add an Image(systemName: “”), Text(""), Spacer(), and another Text(""). Then we’ll walk through each item one-by-one.