Author: Frank Anderson

Last Updated: 6 October, 2022

This little tutorial barely scratches the surface of what SwiftUI offers. This is a list of resources for learning more and developing your skills beyond what you’ll be able to do during your time in Oasis.

<aside> 🧡 What you do have are the basic foundations to start learning more on your own! Take advantage of different resources to further your learning, and please reach out if you feel you’ve gotten stuck and want a helping hand.


🍎 Apple Developer Documentation

Documentation can look daunting, but it’s your best friend. It’s the source of truth and the primary for how everything is supposed to work. Even at its most sparse, you can still see what the signatures for different functions are and it’s organized in a relatively discoverable way so that you can go from what you don’t know out to what you might.

Apple Developer Documentation

This links to all of the SwiftUI documentation.

Apple Developer Documentation

This tutorial covers all of the basics and is my first recommendation for where to go next.

Apple Developer Documentation

This tutorial discusses how to pass data around your app.

🎓 Other Tutorial Series

The 100 Days of SwiftUI

If you’re willing to put the time in, this is generally considered the best Swift resource for getting started. | High quality programming tutorials: iOS, Android, Swift, Kotlin, Flutter, Server Side Swift, Unity, and more!

This is where we recommend you get started when I want to understand a new framework or API from scratch

🖥️ Helpful Blogs

Nil Coalescing

This blog has handy and approachable tips and tricks .

Sarunw - A weekly blog about iOS development


Swift by Sundell

A weekly Swift Blog on Xcode and iOS Development

🎬 If videos are your thing…

Great beginner series on this page, and many build-along projects.